
Work from Visual Development

Just a cafe sketch with the Witch's henchmen

Character designs for queen/witch and the princess

 Couple of sketches to get the feel of the character!

Some of my favorite beat boards I worked on. Just tonal.



A way too epic tattoo idea!

From the midst of inspiration, I quickly sketched out a very rough sleeve tattoo design composed of my personal favorite paintings and prints.  You can see... Mead Schaffer's "Monte Cristo", Goya's "The Sleep of Reasons Produces Monster".. and if you look carefully you'll find the incubus from Henry Fuseli's "The Nightmare". And my cat on the lower right hand side!

I really want to do a master copy of classic paintings in a more gestural style.. with pencil, ink, and maybe washes. Another thing to add to the bucket list!


Rough Scenes

A quick post to update on what I've been working on! (Plus some from past posts)

"Ray... Ray! Hey... Once they get in here, it's over pal...!"

2 Seconds Enter and Exit from Diana Kidlaied on Vimeo.

One of my many beatboards. WIP

Rough Character designs


Storyboard: Big Fish and Little Crabby

This is my storyboard final for Storyboarding class. The story is about a little crab who meets a lonely big fish.