
Stuff from a long long time ago and more recent stuff

Wow, how long has it been? haha. The 2nd last post before this was posted almost exactly a  year ago! Well.... here's a few sketches mixed with storyboard drafts I concocted since then. 

Little Nemo sketches...

Slice of life stuff...

 Two of my characters I'm developing!

Weird I don't know why boy...

Matthew Modine from Full Metal Jacket...

Some Harry Poitter fanart...

Dragons 2 fanart...

From the time I had beaver fever...

Other random sketches...

 My halloween costume from last year...

 Feel mah hur


When I got a new kitty named Peppo...

Story sequences! This is super rough... done overnight?

Story sequences and ... stuffs!

A partial sequence I boarded for Tron's class! I opted most of it out due to editing problems. But here's an okay part of it.

And here's another I did in one night... It's called, "Hanging Ruins"